P.e.a.c.e.To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance…Nov 18, 20201Nov 18, 20201
Mark Gober is a goober, and an Academic FraudThe following messages are about an academic conflict between myself and Mark Gober, being communicated to the current president of the…Aug 12, 2020Aug 12, 2020
G.overning O.perational D.ynamicsThe Universe is the most powerful force in the observable Universe and therefore there is no higher power that we, as human beings, can…Jun 10, 2020Jun 10, 2020
The Boy Who Didn’t Blink and Girl Who Couldn’t DistinguishThey were born on the same March day on opposite sides of the San Francisco Bay, on the way to their tenth birthday party their cars drove…Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020
S.C.R.E.A.M for P.E.A.C.E.We’re protesting in the streets and demanding honesty in the face, who’s asking what causes crimes to be committed in the first place…Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020
The Eye-light EssenceTo trance or not to trance became the only asked question it became the dividing line that everyone could see being drawn it didn’t matter…Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020
The Sun Trance VirusAt first, it seemed as if everything just started going wacky all of the sudden and horrifying, car accidents were happening everywhere…Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020
San Franskitzo City StallSan Francisco has lost its soul, in the name of a balanced budget. There is also what we all depend on, the tourist dollars they count and…Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020